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In the ever-evolving landscape of FemTech, where innovation meets women’s health, Avisha, the visionary founder of Nushu, shares her inspiring journey and insights in this exclusive interview. From her roots in Hong Kong to launching a disruptive period underwear brand, Avisha’s story is one of passion, resilience, and a commitment to revolutionize the menstrual hygiene industry.

Personal Journey and Academic Background

Avisha begins by introducing herself, a Hong Kong native turned US scholar, who initially ventured into the fashion industry with her clothing line. Realizing her calling lay elsewhere, she embarked on a mission to address a crucial issue in women’s health—menstrual hygiene. 

“I’ve always been into women’s issues, and when I tried period underwear for the first time, I wanted to get as many women to try it out.”

Entry into the FemTech Industry

Driven by a feminist mindset cultivated through personal experiences and inspired by a need for better menstrual solutions, Avisha entered the FemTech space during the COVID-19 pandemic. Her focus on creating a brand that offers comfort, relatability, and aesthetics reflects her commitment to reshaping how society views menstruation.

‘’I grew appalled at the menstrual industry and the lack of comfortable options out there for women. This inspired me to start my brand for period underwear.”

Challenges and Triumphs

Avisha’s journey took approximately 2.5 years, with the major hurdle being the intricacies of business administration and compliance in India. Navigating the complex landscape, she persevered, and Nushu emerged as a force for positive change.

Industry Challenges

Avisha sheds light on the industry’s overarching challenge—the lack of seriousness towards menstruation. Despite pitching to large corporations, the topic is often perceived as a personal issue rather than a legitimate concern that needs addressing in the corporate space.

While Nushu is only three months old, Avisha celebrates the impact her product has on customers’ lives. Recognition from Vogue and positive customer testimonials fuel the team’s determination to continue pushing boundaries.

‘’Whenever customers message us to tell us the product has changed their life is always a big win! We also got covered by Vogue recently, and that felt surreal!”

Nushu’s Unique Proposition

Nushu stands out as a reusable period underwear brand, challenging the norms of single-use menstrual products. By infusing high-tech fabrics and a touch of lace, Avisha aims to transform the perception of periods, making them more positive and empowering.

Current Projects and Future Plans

Still in the learning phase, Nushu is gearing up for menstrual hygiene day activations. Avisha’s team is eager to explore new opportunities and further enhance their product offerings.

Importance of the #FemTech Movement

Avisha emphasizes the significance of the FemTech movement in acknowledging and appreciating the complexity of women’s anatomy. She believes it’s time to shed light on the intricacies of female biology for broader societal acceptance and understanding.

“A woman’s anatomy is so beautifully complex but it’s been so underappreciated and under-researched. It’s high time that we shine more light on the complexities of female biology so that society can make more room for it.”

Future Trends in FemTech

Avisha anticipates a shift towards cycle wellness, innovative fertility approaches, and accessible tools to decode hormonal cycles. She envisions these practices becoming mainstream, shaping the future of women’s health.

Advice for Aspiring FemTech Entrepreneurs

Avisha’s key advice for those entering the FemTech industry is to lead with passion. In a relatively new industry, where not everyone may take you seriously, passion becomes the driving force to overcome challenges.

“Passion is key! Because it’s a fairly new industry, you’ll often come across people who don’t take you seriously. In times like this, the passion will keep you going!”

 A Vision for FemTech’s Future

Avisha concludes with a call for governmental support and increased industry recognition, believing that these factors will propel FemTech to new heights and foster positive change.

In Avisha’s journey and vision for Nushu, we witness the power of passion and commitment to making a lasting impact in the FemTech industry, paving the way for a more inclusive and supportive future for women’s health.

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