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P andemic was a blessing in disguise. While it was sad that many people lost their lives due to COVID-19 virus, the overall HIV burden in states were reported to down due to lockdown. I wonder if people stopped getting intimate during lockdown. Of course, they did, and you can see record sales of contraceptives including condoms. Yes, cross intimacy was limited, as movement was restricted and spread of HIV virus was almost controlled.

Till Dec 2022, there were an estimated 0.169% or 24 lakhs (2.4 million) Indians living with HIV in an overall population of 1,412,940,376 (based on UN data, Dec 8th) compared to pre-pandemic numbers i.e. 1.71% or 23.49 lakhs (2.3 million) of PLHIV in a pool of 1,380,004,385 Indians. HIV prevalence in India continues to be 0.22 per cent low. So finally, we were able to tame the virus and did not let it spread or increase.

Based on published reports, annual new infections have declined by 48 per cent compared with the global average of 31 per cent. Additionally, AIDS related deaths hit an all-time low at 82 per cent, against the global average of 42 per cent (Indian express, Dec 1,2022).

All of this did not happen overnight, but there were strategic initiatives taken by current Government towards the attainment of United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goal 3.3 of ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic as a public health threat by 2030.

The HIV & AIDS Prevention and Control Act, 2017 The Act offers a legal and enabling framework to safeguard the human rights of infected and affected populations in India. It also protects the rights of people living with HIV and affected by HIV. NGOs and helplines created by National AIDS and STD Control Program (NACP) that has been working since 1992 have worked hard towards its containment. We must admit that whether its COVID or HIV, we have the intent and infrastructure to control any such infectious disease. At a time when rest of the world is reporting COVID deaths and HIV infection, let us take examples of few densely populated states in India that have set an example.

Maharashtra (estimated population of ~124 million)

  • Infections among new mothers have been dropping by an average 20%
  • 2.5 lakh patients are currently in ART (reports of 90% suppression of viral load)
  • First seven months of 2022-23, almost 8,500 new cases of the viral disease have been found in the state as against 11,196 in the entire 2021-22, official data has revealed ahead of World AIDS Day.
  • Maharashtra is likely to have missed nearly 10,000 cases of HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) infections due to a significant drop in testing in 2020-21 but the state is confident that it will increase number of testing in 2022-23.
  • Pune has reported a drop in HIV cases since 2016 (1,828 versus 1,136 in 2022 till October)
  • Mumbai has infact shown drastic change in HIV numbers in 2022.
  • Source: SUMITRA DEBROY / TNN / Updated: Dec 1, 2021, 06:56 IST (Times of India)

Approaching the team:

  • Breaking the news to your team is certainly going to be exciting. However, to ensure that you have a smooth approval for your maternity leave and benefits, it is suggested that you follow your organization’s protocol. In general, start by having a conversation with your immediate manager or your resource manager, and then inform the Talent team or your Human Resources team. Post your manager and HR team’s approval, you can certainly share the exciting news with your team members.Once you have a word with your Manager and HR team, seek their help in processing your application. Note that each organization might have a different process for Maternity Leave application, so follow the guidelines of your respective organization!

Understanding your pay and leave policies

  • The next question that would obviously pop into your head might be when to apply, how many leaves might you get, when will you get relieved, and how will your pay get affectedTake rest assured that the policies are very inclusive and friendly to mothers, so you need not worry about them!Buy the books and the general norms, you are eligible for maternity benefits about 8 weeks before your due date. However, based on your health conditions, and the flexibility that your organization offers, you may extend the time period. While this time period is a general guiding principle, it might flex with each organization’s policies.And, covering the quantum of leave, the policies are highly inclusive and have policies for first-time mothers, mothers having a second child, mothers having a third child, moms adopting kids, mothers having kids through surrogacy, and mothers dealing with abortion or miscarriages.In general, first-time mothers and mothers having a second child have 26 weeks of maternity leave. For mothers having a third child, a leave of up to 12 weeks is offered. For mothers having a kid through surrogacy or adopting a child who is less than three years, a 12-week leave policy is applicable. As for miscarriage or abortion, leave policies cover a six-week duration.In general, during your maternity leaves, you are eligible to receive your full-basic salary or the statutory salary. However, the receipt of bonuses, extra benefits, or other profit-sharing aspects will depend on your own organizational policies.

Gifts for Mental Health & Relationship Covering other expenses:

  • While the books state that you will be eligible for your full statutory salary during your maternity leave, covering other medical bills might vary as per your organizational policies.For companies with a group insurance policy, hospitalization expenses are generally covered. Either you can claim it, if not your spouse can claim it. In general, companies cover hospitalization expenses for up to two deliveries.Apart from this, you are also entitled to maternity benefits in the form of a medical bonus, which generally amounts to 1000/-. Sometimes, post-natal care is also provided by the employer and this amount can be potentially increased up to a maximum of 20,000/- subject to the organizational policies.

Managing the workload:

    • Organizational policies offer workload reduction. Also, by the books of the law, you can ensure that you are not given any physically arduous work which involved standing for long hours, prior to ten weeks of your due date.

What if my policies state otherwise?

    • In general, the Maternity Act applies to all organizations including mines, plantations, shops, and factories having more than 10 employees. All organizations, whether organized or unorganized are expected to have maternity policies and benefits. However, for journalists, the leave policy is for three months and for women working in a factory, the leave policies are up to three months.By the extension of the thoughts, if your employer refuses maternity leaves and benefits for you, or asks you to quit during your pregnancy, you are entitled to settle it in the Labour Court. However, before you proceed with that, speak with your manager and your HR, understand if there are any confusions, and if you find them unreasonable, you can certainly take it up to the court.

Returning to work and extension facilities:

    • In general, the laws cover 26 weeks of paid leave. However, as per your organizational policies, you can ask to work from home. These terms are generally agreed upon between you and your employer.While the first 26 weeks are paid leaves if due to any health reasons, you can extend it to another 30 days. You can submit your proof of illness along with bills to get these 30 days. However, beyond the 30 days, the leaves are usually unpaid.While the host of organizations is coming out with rather inclusive and friendly laws, should you feel left out or not happy, feel free to have an open chat with your manager or your HR team. We hope that you have a wonderful pregnancy and great motherhood!

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