Inspiration Behind Newmi
Our founders, Aditi & Sanchit are parents to a 3.5-year-old, and their own experiences when they were going through their birthing journey made them realize that as a culture in India, we are much more focused on the child, when the baby is inside the womb or comes outside, and not as much on the mother and her needs through the journey.
Aditi is a two-time ‘Cancer Conqueror’ and gave birth while Cancer was building in her body for the second time. Inspite of her history and her care needs the ecosystem never proactively told her that the cancer can come back with pregnancy related hormonal changes.
They got hassled with fragmented ecosystem, broken care journey, lack of preventive care and over reliance on friends and family advise. ′As a result, they decided to create an ecosystem to help women in our country with their health and wellness needs.
After years of being overlooked we think women’s health and wellness should be treated as a priority. So, with the aim to improve women’s health across their journey from puberty to menopause, and maternal care, Newmi was “Born”.