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2023 has been an exceptional for the FemTech industry. It was marked by tremendous growth, significant achievements, and invaluable potential for progress. 

Some of the founders in the FemTech space too conquered a lot and checked off a lot of goals from their list. From personal milestones to professional triumphs, each step forward was filled with learning opportunities and moments of pride. 

At FemTech India too, it was a milestone year for us. It’s was year where aspirations turned into realities, and where connections were forged that enriched both personal and professional spheres. Overall, was year to remember, filled with numerous reasons to celebrate and cherish.

While 2023 was a wonderful year, here’s wishing the best for 2024. As we segue into another wonderful year ahead, FemTech India caught-up with a few founders in the space, to see what milestones they have set for 2024, some of their adjustments in their strategic priorties, their action plans.

Here’s a look at some of their specific goals and visions for 2024 that they’re particularly excited about!

Swarnima Bhattacharya

Swarnima is the Co-Founder and Chief Product Officer at Gytree – a complete ecosystem for women’s health, where she leads growth and product development. She is the Curator of FemmeCon- India’s first women’s health festival.

Swarnima has a well-rounded and thoughtful approach to personal and professional growth! Prioritizing relaxation and stress management are on the cards for her, as she looks forward to achieving these two top goals. She also feels that it is of utmost importance to maintaining a healthy mindset and steering clear of unhealthy coping mechanisms.

As for what she checked-off her 2023 list, she shares “I’m thrilled to share that I managed to read 24 books, maintaining a focus with 30% of them dedicated to women’s health and mental well-being. The most rewarding achievement, however, was the growth of Gytree. We’ve fostered an active community comprising 45,000 women, with many opting for our annual membership—a milestone we deeply cherish. Simplifying and enriching healthcare for women through innovation has been a priority on my checklist, and Gytree’s progress signifies a step in the right direction.”

Carina Kohli

Founder and CEO of Humm Care, a platform that provides maternity and family building healthcare benefits through each stage of the family building journey.

Carina’s has solid goals. She says “Our goal for 2024 is to drive substantial advancements in women’s health benefits across India. It’s not merely about their introduction but about fostering widespread acceptance, adoption, and seamless integration. We aim for measurable outcomes, showcasing a dedicated implementation and tracking of solution-driven progress concerning these benefits.”

As for what she checked off her 2023 list, Carina says “In 2023, we made significant progress in expanding and enhancing our service offerings, aligning with market needs. This included launching benefits and being service partners with several organisations, including certain Fortune500 organisations that were on our ‘dream list.’ We have grown our community by 3x and our client network month on month”

Delphine Moulu

Co-founder and Managing Director of FemTech France, who collective’s main missions are to support entrepreneurs by helping them create and deploy innovative projects in the field of women’s health

For Delphine, partnership is the way to go forward in 2024. She says “ We aim to sustain the momentum in driving innovation for women’s health in France. We also need to enhance collaboration with global femtech collectives via the impactful ‘Femtech Across Borders’ initiative. Finally, we need to forge partnerships with committed stakeholders in women’s health to further expand and strengthen our initiatives.”

As for what she checked off her 2023 list, Delphine says ”In the course of the year, Femtech France achieved several milestones: Facilitated the onboarding of over 70 femtech startups into the Femtech France collective. We conducted a successful second bootcamp catering to a dozen femtech founders. We collaborated with Wavestone to publish the inaugural report on the femtech industry in France. Finally, the biggest event was that we hosted a femtech village at Viva Tech, where three Ministers visited and over 20 startups showcased their innovations”

Alia Rahman

Co-founder & CEO of Amplexd Therapeutics and the Co-Inventor of Two Non-Invasive Cervical Dysplasia Treatments, Alia is on a mission to revolutionize women’s health globally.

For Alia, 2024 is a more paced, and a well-thought-out year. She feels ”For the upcoming year, my resolution is to embrace a slower, more deliberate pace. I aim to cherish each moment, remaining present without being consumed by future uncertainties or past regrets. My focus will be on living a more introspective, mindful life, paying close attention to my mental state. I believe that by prioritizing this mindset shift, both in my professional and personal spheres, I can achieve greater effectiveness and fulfilment”

As for what she checked off her 2023 list, Alia says it was a balance between her professional and personal goals. She says, “ I acquired substantial funding for my company, fueling its growth and vision. I had the opportunity to engage in numerous speaking engagements and podcast interviews, sharing the story of Amplexd’s work alongside my personal narrative. On the personal front, I rediscovered my passion for long-distance cycling, achieving personal best speeds with a newly acquired road/racing bike after 20 years of cycling.”

Aditi Ayare

Founder & Director of FemVed, a preventive care and wellness platform for women that aims to provide easy and accessible holistic health regime.

For Aditi, her focus on 2024 is crystal clear. Her mission for FemVed is to establish it as the go-to destination where women cultivate sustainable health. She aims to extend beyond personal well-being; empower women to nurture not only their own health but also the well-being of the generations they’ll influence and nurture. FemVed is set to be the catalyst for this transformative journey.

As for what she checked off in 2023, Aditi says “I faced a litmus test, and I’m proud to say I emerged triumphant. It was a year marked by numerous accomplishments, with the most significant being the completion of our MVP. What began as a platform rooted in personal experiences has blossomed into a haven for over 200 women. Here, they openly discuss health concerns, supported by a team of accredited experts, seeking and discovering preventive and holistic solutions for their well-being”

Dr. Sanjana Rao, PhD

Co-Founder of Miyara, a platform that aims to have women own their health by making educated decisions.

For Sanjana, her 2024 goals are straightforward. She wants to establish SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound) Goals, and aims to extend outreach to a larger demographic of women in both India and globally. Simultaneously, prioritizing her physical and mental well-being is on her cards.

As for what she checked off her 2023 list, Sanjana says, “Looking back on 2023, a year marked by both triumphs and challenges, we’re grateful for the growth and opportunities that came our way! We conducted impactful corporate awareness sessions, reaching thousands of women globally. We successfully hosted community events in Switzerland and India. We were also selected as part of the GRIT accelerator by Diane Nevin as well as completed the Business Growth for Social Entrepreneurs course offered by STARTUP CAMPUS Switzerland”.

Tammena Siingh

Founder of Menoveda, a platform that aims to empower women to gain back control of their lives and passions and to help them embrace who they truly are across their physical, emotional, sexual, and mental selves.

For Tammena, her 2024 priorities are two-pronged. On the personal front, she aims to minimize procrastination, prioritize physical and mental health, increase reading habits, obtain a Gyrocopter license, and elevate social media presence. For her brand, she wants to focus on community building, positively impact the lives of 100,000 women, introduce four new clinically proven products, and host a minimum of 50 offline events.

As for what she checked off her 2023 list, she says, “We achieved a lot in 2023, some of which includes – Published India’s first Menopause report, released pre-clinical and clinical reports, filed for patents, and positively impacted over 50,000 lives. On the personal front, I earned an international menopause coach certification, maintained an almost daily meditation practice, and authored over 20 articles published both nationally and internationally.”

No doubt, celebrating each other’s achievements and fostering collaboration paves the way for mutual success. In a world where collaboration and shared efforts often yield the most remarkable outcomes, supporting each other up becomes the way forward. Here’s to a future filled with collective triumphs, where collaboration fuels innovation, and growth!

Wishing all our FemTech founders a resounding success, lots of hope and infinite possibilities.